
Jitterbugz is a musical playgroup for children aged 0-5 years and their parents or caregivers. Jitterbugz meets from 10:00am to 11:30am every Wednesday during the school term at Bexley North Anglican Church (end of Carrisbrook Ave Bexley North).

What happens at Jitterbugz

We begin with a time of free play. There are different activities available each week for the children including sensory items, art and craft, building and construction, imaginative play, dress ups, play dough, gross motor, vehicles, puzzles and books. This is also a time for the adults to have a chat, and everyone can enjoy their morning tea (N.B. Please bring your own morning tea).

After free play we move into our music session. During music time we play simple musical instruments; use props such as ribbons and parachutes; do action songs and sing nursery rhymes. Caregivers participate with their children throughout this session, helping and encouraging them to join in. We also read a story relating to the theme of that day. Caregivers sit with their children and help them to sit quietly and listen.


For more information

For more information about Jitterbugz, please contact the church office on (02) 9553 1840 or office@snac.org.au.